Nestled amidst the picturesque Cheshire countryside, Macdonald Craxton Wood Hotel played host to this unique and unforgettable wedding celebration on the 3rd April – an axe throwing extravaganza. The bride and groom surprised their guests with an exhilarating axe throwing experience as part of their wedding festivities.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, guests gathered around our axe throwing trailer, eager to unleash their inner lumberjacks. Under the expert guidance of our trained instructors, they took turns hurling axes at the target, giving it their best shot. Laughter and cheers swiftly filled the air as guests relished the thrill of this unique wedding activity.
The competitive spirit soared as friends and family members cheered each other on, vying for the highest score. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and shared laughter, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The bride and groom soon joined in the axe-throwing fun, sharing in the excitement and competition.
As the evening progressed, the wedding party retreated to the hotel’s elegant reception hall for a celebratory dinner and dancing. The axe-throwing experience had set the tone for a truly unforgettable celebration, one that created memories to last a lifetime. Fancy a spot of axe throwing at your wedding? Click here to book us!
Take a Look At This Fascinating Axe Throwing Wedding in Cheshire!
Nestled amidst the picturesque Cheshire countryside, Macdonald Craxton Wood Hotel played host to this unique and unforgettable wedding celebration on the 3rd April – an axe